June Dance Intensive
6th to 18th June 2022
a two week Movement workshop, performance practice and Performance
June Dance Residency is a training program focusses on Performance practice and training focussed on people who would like to explore movement using principles of floor work, martial arts and contemporary dance, Yoga and Kalari .
Deepak Shivaswamy- Contemporary Dance
Kumar Ravi : Contemporary Dance
Atul Kumar- Contemporary Dance
Meghna Nambiar -Yoga
Abhilash Ningappa- Improvisation and composition:
Week 1 (6th th 10th June)
8am to 9: 00 am : Yoga class : Meghna
11 to 1pm : Contemporary Dance : Deepak Intensive
3pm to 5pm : Impro Pocket Intensive Kumar Ravi
Weekend (11th and 12th)
Free ( but we can organise jams , dinner or some kind of outdoor activity or movie screening)
Week 2 (13th to 17th June )
8am to 9:00 : Yoga Class : Meghna
11am to 1pm : Improvisation : Abhilash Intensive
3pm to 5pm: Contemporary Dance : Atul Intensive
Weekends will be free , participants can choose to be in group activities , jams , performance evenings , outdoor activities or movie screenings (this will be discussed in the first week)
Final Presentation evening on 18th Jun at 7 pm ( you don't have to participate in the performance if you are not comfortable)
Fees :
Full workshop : 10,000 Rupees
Half Workshop : 6,500 Rupees
Drop ins and One day participation is possible on request
To Apply : Send Email to or WhatsApp (+91) -9980560577
Send your Cv and why you are interested joining this workshop
We will Guide you to Registration once we receive your message
Accommodation : If you are travelling from outstation and need a place at Play Practice, please mention in your application
(Accommodation is not covered in the workshop fees)
Price for accommodation for the entire workshop : 9,800 rupees. (arrival 5th June and departure 19th June)
if you wish to arrive few days early and depart few days later is also possible and will costs 1000rs/night
We have multiple housing premises, each comprising of fully furnished 2 rooms, an attached bath and kitchen facility.
- The housing premise is spacious, fully equipped and furnished with lots of natural light and air.
- All rooms are well ventilated and hygienic with ample storage space, fans and windows.
- The small studio is right next to the housing area and Big studio is on the first floor of the building.
- You will be provided with a fully eqipped kitchen if you want to cook on your own. Small convenient stores and a supermarket is in the vicinity.
Food : we have a following option
Option 1: Door Delivery: it is possible to order food to the studio space, the restaurant nearby makes north indian and south indian food. its very tasty and really cheap
Option 2: Cooking in the studio: we have 3 kitchen in the space and 1 to 3 people will share each kitchen , we have all the facilities to cook , as well as shops and super market nearby to buy things.
Option 3: You can also get together with other artists and plan a group cooking. At least once in a week and have some time to experience food from various countries.
We find it hard to organise food which suits everyones needs so we thought its better to keep it open for participants to decide and the food is NOT covered in the workshop fees.
The residency is located in a residencial area in Mysore Road. You will find small grocery and convenient stores walking distance away. Theres a supermarket and a mall nearby too.
- Transportation: For any kind of recreational activities, you can take cabs, metro, rickshaw or buses from the residency to the city or outside the city.
-All students must take full responsibility of their personal belongings, the residency provides lockers. Residency will not be held responsible for any mishap. Everybody must take full responsibility of their own health and welfare.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a self organised space and we ask artists to take care of space, keep it clean and not to leave any traces. be open to community living with collaborative mind.
Teachers :

Abhilash Ningappa, Founder and Artistic Director of Play Practice Artists Residency (INDIA), born and based in India. Recognised as performer, choreographer and teacher both nationally and internationally. He post graduated in SEAD (Salzburg) and Post Masters in APASS (Advanced performance and scenography studies) (Belgium) . A yoga practitioner and a martial art teacher, trained in kalari payattu and contemporary dance.
(Improvisation and Composition workshop)
His workshop is focused on Improvisation based on Martial arts principles. He invented method and practices where dancers make choice and explore the possibilities through composition. recovering and revisiting movements through creative choices and creating possibilities to create a performance. There is a warmup session which leads into various movement practices influenced by martial arts and contemporary dance. leading towards improvisation practice.

Meghna Nambiar was introduced to yoga as a part of her dance training. Initially she started practicing yoga for the aesthetic and fitness it brought to her as a dancer. She was also intrigued by the sense of expansiveness she was left with at the end of the practice.
The pursuit of physical practice led her to meeting inspiring teachers,practitioners and schools of yogic thought. She completed her teachers training in Bangalore in 2014.She has since continued her yoga training and went on to complete another training at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Academy in Uttarkashi. She believes that by remaining with the practice of yoga ,this powerful system begins to show up in how we subtly respond to life with our bodies, our minds and our whole being. This system is there to anchor and guide all those who wish to seek.

Kumar ravi is an active contemporary artist based in India. he graduated in contemporary dance from attakkalari also he did training and worked as a senior company member in moksha he has attended many dance training programs. he has on way to play and expand his understanding of qualities. his practices influenced both by somatic am marital art including floor work, release work, flying low, improvisation work etc.
He teaches Flying Low, Release, Raw Movement Flow, Floor Work, Movement Exploring Gadgets, Contact Improvisation, Improvisation Composition, Martial Art, Body Conditioning

Deepak Kurki Shivaswamy is contemporary performing artist from Bangalore India . Born in 1981 started artistic journey with working as a dancer in Indian cinema in his teenage.From 2002 he has been activity engaged in contemporary dance landscape as a performer ,teacher and choreographer.His professional training includes Indian movement forms like Bharathanatyam, yoga and Kalaripayattu and his dancing style is influenced by release technique.He has a post -graduate diploma from SEAD Austria .
As a teacher has been a guest faculty for art institutes like Attakkalari, Gati, Stem, Aditi Mangaldas dance company, Dance worx, Rangayana and Motley theatre group in India. SEAD and Evanson in Europe. He has been a mentoring creators and dancers as part of KHA foundation, Play Practice, Drishtikon Dance Foundation and Gati dance residencies. He is a visiting professor for dance in universities like Ashoka, SNU, and Ambedkar in New Delhi. Between 2002 till 2007 was part Education Outreach Program for schools in Bangalore led by Tripura Kashyap

Atul Kumar, born in Patna, Bihar, a performer, choreographer and visual artist. Trained in Hip Hop, Contemporary and several physical movement techniques. Have been dancing professionally for past 3 years. Currently works as Creative Head of Left Foot Right Danceworks company, a freelance artist and a UX Designer in an IT company.
He has been working and researching with several techniques to come up with his own technique to develop tools and methodology for content and composion creaon. Has been working and performing in an improvisation and contact improvisation forums.
Also a visual arstist and have worked with artists such as Matej Kezar and Nakula Somana, as a set designer and visual arst, for their projects in India.